The Khalifa Ihler Institute

Postcards for Change

Nelson Mandela said, “We can change the world and make it a better place. It’s in your hands to make a difference.” So for Mandela Day, how will you take action for justice and peace?

We’re collecting “postcards” from all generations, all over the world, to present at the World Day of Peace and as part of the UN 75th Anniversary Celebration -- and we want you to be part of it. 

Think about someone in another generation who is making the world better - how does this inspire your vision of a better future?

If "change starts with me," what's an action you can take to make it happen? Everyone is a changemaker, and some people have more access and resources... So how can you use, what you have, to help others?

You can either submit your digital postcard by using the link below - or by sending it to:

MasterPeace Office
Joseph Haydnlaan 2a
3533AE Utrecht
The Netherlands

You can also upload your postcard to social media using the hashtag #Postcards4Change, and we’ll find it and aggregate it on this site.


The Postcards

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